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May 18 /19 Launch is Go

Neal E Baker | Published on 5/16/2024

The UROC May 2024 Launch - 5/18/2024 is a GO!

  • The weather looks promising with a high of around 78 degrees and winds in the 7-15 mph range. The trailer will be arriving onsite between 8 and 9 am. Any help that we can get in setting up the range (no experience neccesary) is appreciated.

  • DAS Rocket will be there on Saturday to fulfill your motor needs.

  • There will be a porta-potty on site.

  • This is scheduled as a two-day launch. HOWEVER, if for some reason the Sunday portion of the launch is canceled we will post that on the UROC website so make sure to check there before driving out for any cancellation notices. We'll be finishing up early afternoon, anyone that can be onsite Sunday to help us pick up and load the gear is our hero and greatly appreciated. I know it gets hot and dusty at the end of the day, thats why it's so nice to have extra help.

  • Please remember to bring your TRA /NAR  membership cards.  We will be checking 100% for current membership status and certification level at RSO.

  • Please remember to have your UROC membership available.  UROC membership cards are now digital and are available in your profile when you logon to  You can have the jpg available in your pictures on your phone or of course you can print them out if you'd rather. You must have a current membership to UROC and (TRA or NAR) to fly at a UROC Sport Launch!