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UFO 2017 Contest Results

Published on 10/26/2017
UROC's Fall Contest event  the UROC Fall Open (UFO) 2017 took place on Saturday, October 14th. The event began about 8am in 27 degree temps with clear blue skies and no wind.  So we got our birds in the air a quickly as we could. We were flying under the new National Rocketry Competition (NRC) rules so there were no points but we all still had a lot of fun.  We had some pretty good flights and some nice Scale models.  Al Mecklenburg had a sliding wing Rocket Glider that made 2 excellent flights to earn him first in that event.  By the time it got warm enough to generate thermals the wind also came up.  We finished up about noon.  Looking forward to the NAR launch in November. -- Bruce

UFO 2017 Standings 

Sport Scale

Place Contestant Number Section Prototype Static Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 D Region Tomahawk 530.0 100.0 63000 600
2 Goode, Matt 100903 523 WAC Corporal 495.0 100.0 59500 360
3 Bell, Sally 85169 523 IQSY Tomahawk 445.0 100.0 54500 240
4 Redd, Randall 6333 523 Patriot 340.0 100.0 44000 120


D Egg Lofting Altitude

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 473 473 570
-- Goode, Matt 100903 523 CR 0 0


B Rocket Glider Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Mecklenburg, Al 65738 523 28 44 72 630
2 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 23 41 64 378
3 Bell, Sally 85169 523 41 41 252
-- Goode, Matt 100903 523 NG 0 0


Random Duration (45 sec)

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 13.3% (39 s) 133 300
2 Goode, Matt 100903 523 24.4% (56 s) 244 180
4 Redd, Randall 6333 523 115.6% (97 s) 1156 60
T Division
3 Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 55.6% (20 s) 556 120


A Streamer Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 43 65 108 240
2 Goode, Matt 100903 523 47 47 144


UFO 2017 Meet Champions

Place Contestant NAR Number Section Total Points
C Division
1 Bell, Bruce 20636 523 2088
2 Goode, Matt 100903 523 684
3 Mecklenburg, Al 65738 523 630
4 Bell, Sally 85169 523 492
5 Redd, Randall 6333 523 180
6 Snaufer, Mark 29609 523 0
6 Steele, Carrie 78080 000 0
6 Steele, Cassidy 81474 000 0
6 Steele, Cody 46810 000 0
6 Steele, Katie 80121 000 0
6 Stewart, Pearce 101610 000 0
T Division
1 Team, Pod Bay Doors T-201 523 120
2 Team, Pod Babe Doors T-202 523 0
1 UROC 523 4194