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UROC 2019 Officers Elected

Published on 11/12/2018

2019 officers for UROC have been selected, most positions were filled by nomination only without contest except for the position of secretary.

Your 2019 Elected UROC Officers are:

President: Neal Baker
Vice President: Bryan Mogensen
Secretary: Josh Tenny
Treasurer: Rob Hansen

Through 2018 our membership numbers are quite good and continue to grow and meeting attendance has improved but still has a way to go. The new officers of UROC would like to invite you to provide us with any ideas or suggestions that you might have regarding how to improve the club. Good or bad, we need to know what you like or don?t like. Please feel free to contact any of the officers with your ideas.

On a personal note: I would like to thank Bryan Mogensen, Rob Hansen and Chris Baker for taking on the responsibility and work this year. I'd also like to thank both Josh Tenny and Jason Farnsworth for being willing to throw their hats in the ring to help out and commit their time to keeping the club going. Thanks! Looking forward to 2019!